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Suggest an Event in Devon

Promote your event
Promote multiple events

If you are representing a theatre, cinema or other organisation with multiple events to promote, you may wish to download and populate our events spreadsheet so that your events can be added in bulk.

Devon in Focus is always happy to promote shows, festivals and other happenings around the county in the Locals Events listings. In addition your event will be promoted on our Facebook page, Twitter feed and added to third party sites via the Events Google gadget.

Please use the form below to send us details of your event.

Your details

Your name*

Your email address*


Your event

Event title*

Link to event

Link to image

Start date*

Optional end date


(Brief highlights of your event)

Full description

(Full details of what's happening, start time, price and contact details)


(Where your event is taking place)
* Mandatory fields